4 Reasons to Use Social Networks Properly

So far, we have 500 million Facebook users. 64% of Facebook users visit their Facebook page every day.
645,750,000 Twitter users and 58 million tweets are posted daily. During the day you browse the web, 2.1 billion returned search queries are sent to Twitter.
By 2020, there will be more than 5 billion Internet users, and it is estimated that more than half of all users worldwide will be able to access the Internet via handheld tablets and 80 billion connected devices. So what do these numbers mean for your business?
In short, that means your business probably has to be active on social media. This is the perfect tool for entrepreneurs to generate visibility in a quick and personal way. But only if you do it right.
The problem with this type of marketing is that most business owners don’t know how to effectively handle this amount of visibility and opportunity. 1. Not linking social media to sales will have a negative impact on your business.
The problem is that most users don’t go directly to Facebook or Twitter to buy products or services. Companies need to use social media to attract potential customers to their websites and build brand equity in social spaces.
The conversion takes place where the shopping cart is located (website). Changing the type of site placement can help you turn your likes into sales.
Creating brand TikTok Analytics Platform equity is a good reason to develop your social profile. In a highly open and transparent world, your social profile is a way for your customers to know who they really are.
2. Do not track website statistics. If you don’t have a way to track where your website traffic is coming from, you’re wasting all your online presence efforts. How can I tell if Facebook’s competition is changing significantly without tracking statistics?
Free tracking services like Google Analytics can measure things like supported conversions so you can see how social media is impacting your sales cycle.
3. Do not track correct statistics. In other words, I’m ridiculing the second because I have Google Anaytics installed and I’m checking Facebook statistics. But are you finding the right one? There are many indicators linked to social media, but not all of them are directly related to your results.
For example, the number of likes on a Facebook page is not a good indicator of a successful campaign. What is a “Like” when there is no obligation? The best option for tracking social media is like engagement rate (people talking about us / number of likes on the page). Engagement rate is a good statistic to compare with website traffic from different channels. Does your engagement drive potential customers to read the content on your website?
4. There is no cross-promotion social media platform. Social media marketing is not between platforms. The best way to get maximum exposure is to leverage each platform together. Let’s say you have a restaurant that has a Yelp list of 50 5-star reviews. Don’t make Yelp the only platform to highlight your achievements. Share your Yelp rating on our Facebook page and tweet about it as well. Another idea is to share your blog on different platforms.
Basically do what you can to create the most positive exposure you can. Depending on the amount of exposure and activity on the social media platform, social media marketing can greatly help your business, or it can be a complete waste of time.
Make sure you use the platform properly and to the fullest extent. Otherwise, you won’t know the impact of social media on your business. If you’re just getting started, there’s trial and error. The job will fail and the customer will complain. However, the benefits of social media far outweigh the hardships and efforts in the process.